Category Archives: of vocation

…from the word “vocare”: to call. a calling. a mission of purpose.

On the great expedition…


We have been studying explorers…pioneers…those who have made an impact on where and how we live. We visited the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago where we learned a little of how to navigate a plane. We viewed models of the ship that Colombus sailed for on many famous expeditions. Did you know his favorite ship is said to be the Nina – the one that appeared to be the simplest of all of them?

As we learn of others who have gone before us, we are also discovering in our own way what it means to take an unknown path – when it makes a turn that you weren’t anticipating. Well that’s not completely true…any good explorer is prepared for anything, right? Our journey following Jesus may often take paths that we didn’t even know exist, but we are not really unprepared.

This summer my friend Jenn and I took sailing lessons. I never really made it past that first solo in the sail boat. I went through “ground school” and another lesson on wind theory and the vessel I would later be sailing. I waited through many windless days, going down to the pier all excited about setting sail and then – nothing. The day finally came. The wind was cooperating, all was “go”.

My first day on the water was not what I expected (I have written about this experience before). I was completely out of control most of the time. When I capsized it took me most of the lesson to get back in the boat. Once I did, honestly I just wanted to go home. If I had been able to get the boat to go in the direction of the pier, I would have that instant. I think (well, I know) that I even swore – more than once.  I have not been out since. Jenn, however, was quite good. She fell in love with sailing. She goes out whenever she can, she sails with a crew and solo. She is unafraid of the wind and finding the joy of navigating the strong winds, enduring and mastering the course.

Jenn assures me that she felt the same out of control that I did. (I wonder some times if that is one of those things that everyone says to beginners such as myself.)  The difference between her sailing  expedition and mine…she got back out there for another run.  She learned to run with the wind. When the winds shift, so do the sails. Onward.

I have faced some strong waves of discouragement this year, many just recently.  I have had those same thoughts of turning back, getting back to safety as quickly as possible and being content to gaze at the sail boats from a comfortable picnic table while sipping a nice cold beer. “At least I can say I tried…”

The word navigate is derived from the Latin roots navis meaning “ship” and agere meaning “to move” or “to direct.” Different navigational techniques have evolved over the ages in different cultures, but all involve locating one’s position compared to known locations or patterns. This morning as we started our school day, we read a passage meant to help me remember there are some known patterns and locations that never change.  In fact, I am not unprepared for this. I am equipped with all I need to get past this next wave. I cannot get too far off course. I have the navigational tools and a faith in the God that controls the wind. I may get hit in the head with the boom, I may get hurt. I may capsize, even sink. I may get so far off course that I don’t know the way back. In these times, I must move in the direction of what is known.

… I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38.39)

Columbus sank as many ships as he sailed. Martin Luther King Jr. was killed before he ever really got to see his dream fulfilled. Nelson Mandela who was a political detainee for more than 25 years, and went on to became the president of South Africa at the age of 76. Michael missed more than he made. Moses – 40 years in the desert. Joseph was thrown in prison and rose to a place of influence from there – probably not the path he was anticipating. So, who do I think we are?

…It is often the failure who is the pioneer of new lands, new undertakings, and new forms of expression. —Eric Hoffer

Grande sogno!

If you are a “people watcher”, you know that the best place to go to observe people. People of all kinds, from all around the world cross paths in airports. Their stories are beautiful, tragic, romantic… I almost ran right into a woman today because I was all caught up in the reunion of a man and his 3 small children who were waiting with a sign “WE LOVE OUR MOMMY”. My favorite thing to do while people watching is to imagine what their stories may be. I imagine that most of the scenarios that I dream up are far beyond what the reality is, but maybe not.

p1010004.jpgGene and I are in Denver, CO right now. We are here to be a part of a mentoring program for our friends, Gayle and Jamie Pund (on the left in the back row) who just this week received their appointment with World Venture as career missionaries to Italy.

Years ago we sat around a dinner table at TGIFriday’s with some of our friends, our church planting team in La Crosse. Our conversation that night went to what we thought was a fun little game of seeing what we could come up with to “outdream God”. We got silly, we thought, as we dreamed of all going to Italy, that seemed like a nice enough place to serve God. Since that night, Gayle and Jamie and their 3 kids have spent 3 years in Italy – at a camp that hosted soccer camps for kids, among other things. I think that everyone at that table that night has been part of the ministry in Italy. The Punds are now on a journey toward returning to Italy for a longer term.

Have you ever tried to “out dream” God? It’s dangerous…you might just find yourself one day living out the dream.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen” Eph. 3:20

As kind of a side note, tonight we visited a church that goes by the name, SCUM of the Earth, we heard a pastor, a homeless man, a woman and then a well known theologian, all talk on Psalm 23. None were given more of a platform than the other. All were given equal time. That is the Kingdom of God present in our here and now just as Jesus intended, I think. I left processing these things…. A well known theologian, a paid Pastor and a homeless man, and a woman, were all parts of the same Body there. All seemed at home there.

If you are part of the Body of Christ – can you be “homeless”? Powerful.

music city

p1010042.JPGToday, while Gene was writing music on Music Row, we explored the streets of Nashville. We visited the Tennessee State Museum and then enjoyed pizza by the slice at the war memorial plaza. We were on a capital tour when Gene called for us to come and pick him up. We made our way across town to join Gene and continue our adventure. It was fun telling the occasional inquisitor that we are probably one of many families of musicians in Nashville looking for their big break. When we asked one man if he was native to Nashville, he laughed and replied in his southern accent, “I don’t think you’ll find many of those around here.”

It’s a fun city – one that I think we will visit again.  The culture of this city is a bit more relaxed and friendly than other cities I have explored. We have had actual conversations today with people at crosswalks, information  tables, storefronts…conversations that compelled me to exchange names (which now that I think of it was probably not necessary).  I am just not accustomed to exchanging life stories apart from a basic introductions. It didn’t seem strange today, but now reflecting back – this is not what I know of normal city life. I like it.

Tomorrow we tour the Music City Hall of Fame.

For those of you who have been praying for us about what role that Gene’s music will play…he was very encouraged today. A face to face meeting with people who he has up to this time only dealt with over the phone and internet – was a good thing. He also had a good time writing with one of the staff writers. We appreciate your prayers. Our hope is that this can turn into something that funds the mission that God has called us to in Church planting. Why not, right?!